About Me

Monday, December 21, 2015


I finally have published my first short story titled, "Down and Bound." I happy that this story is now out and will soon be available for purchase on amazon.com website. I put a lot of time into finally getting this done. I've been wanting to get this done for some time now, and with the hours I put into getting a paperback edition made it was hell and worth it. I know in some ways this is not your typical book that gets published but, I don't care. I like to do things a certain way and I like sharing with people stuff like this. I believe that everyone has a story to share with others and that story telling is one of the oldest ways of bringing people together for better or worst.

I would like to give a short run down of how this came about.

Back in 2011, I was looking over a story that I wrote back in early 2000 when I was about 22yrs old. I wanted to get this published and didn't know how to go about it at the time. I sat or am still sitting on that story and want to make changes to it so when I decide when I want it published, I will go ahead and get it out there. As I sat at my laptop one night updating my blog here, I fell asleep and had a crazy dream. I woke up and this story came to me. I started typing away at it and ended up writing chapters after chapters. I then put it all together and this is the result. When you look at the chapters some are short and some are long. I decided to just leave it that way with wanting it to be different from the rest. I like to keep myself separate from the pack, I'm mostly a loner anyway,have and still am in most ways to this day.

I based some of the stuff that I have came across in my life with good and bad. I took bits and pieces from my life with some exaggeration with some fiction stuff to come up with some interesting reads on each chapter of this story. I hope this short story gets picked up and hope one or many people will enjoy this. I made a fun and short read for the person waiting to kill some time when they don't have anything to read or do.

In 2016, look for a follow up to this and a couple of new short stories as well.

Link to order a paperback copy


Look for a e-book version sometime at the begining of 2016 as well and on amazon.com when it comes available.

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