About Me

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Sometimes when I'm just siting at this computer going over the stuff that I do with my Podcast and website, my phone goes off with a notification. I check my phone and it's a notification from my twitter which I get notifications almost every day with someone that just followed me or a retweet or a mention. I pull up the twitter and I favorite or retweet or send out a tweet or follow back a new follower.

The problem is I try to keep up with all of the traffic that comes in and sometimes I lose someone when I don't engage ASAP. I'm sorry for that. I have piled up quit a bit on myself in the last year with operating a Podcast just by myself since I've had two co-host move on to other things. One just left without notice and the other was kind enuff to let me know that he is working and it is hard for him to make time. I understand and it don't bother me that this has happen to me. I wish I could get a co-host to throw stuff back and forth with to make things more interesting.

I am of right now looking to change it up a bit and make it more crazy and fun on my podcast. More of that will come when I get to that. Be sure to check it out when I announce the new change. For right now with me doing this and that I sometimes lose sight of what I'm doing. I forget about this going on and I go back over to the thing I'm working on and forget about the thing that I was working on. I am sorry for that and don't hold it personal to me I just don't think like a normal person would do sometimes.

I have a lot going on in my head and I sometimes have a short span of attention and I get lost with all that I do. I've been like this almost my whole life. Those who are close to me can tell you that I've been like this and know how to take me. I try to do a lot and I should sometimes do one thing at a time. I just want to do so much and get so much out that I forget about others. I think about people but if I don't get to you or respond back soon just wait or remind me that hey remember this and I'll be like oh yeah sorry I forgot.

Working on a site that host my podcast and the content that I enjoy is really cool. I've achieve what I was wanting to do in the time it took to put together this site and conduct some really good interviews in the last year. I love what I do and I do hope that it will lead into other things as well. At the age I am, I don't want to look back in regrets on not doing anything with my life. At 37, I've seen and done quit a bit but I want to do more of what I love doing. I don't want no regrets by the time I'm in my 40's and say I should have done this or done that. I'm enjoying my life and the people that I've met and talked with. I'll keep going as long as I can and be happy with what I have and the goals I'm trying to reach.

Thank You for the Ones that support me with my Podcast and coming to my site. You know who you are and I Thank You from the bottom of my heart. If you know someone who hasn't checked into what I'm trying to do spread the word to them and get them on board.

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