About Me

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


I want to say thank you for the support and prayers from my family and friends during this hard and tragic time in my life right now. My wife and I appreciate all the calls and text and messaging that we have received in the last few days.

It's been rough and hard with the sudden loss that my wife and I have went through to start off 2016. I have cried and my wife has cried for the last few days now. I've cried and grieved so much that I feel that I can't cry anymore. My wife and I lost our little baby boy that she was caring at 21 weeks right before New Year's Eve. Finding out on New Year's Day that we had lost our baby was really hard to swallow with such hopes and faith that he would make it with some miracle. On top of losing our baby boy that day,my wife lost her mother, my mother-in-law as well. Two lost in one day really hurt us in a way that I don't have words to say at this time.

It was really hard for me yesterday when we went to the funeral home to discuss what we wanted done with the two people that we have lost. It was hard for me to look at the papers with my son's name on them. I couldn't look down on the table at the paper that had my son's name on it. My wife turned to me and asked what was wrong? I told her it was had to see Zachery's name on the paper next to my mother-in-law's paper. My wife put her arms around me and told me everything will be alright and she is here for me. With that little bit of comfort, it helped me push through with what we still have to do with everything for my mother-in-law my wife's mother.

I've woken up during the night and early in the morning pacing the house grieving with such a loss for my wife and I. Just about everyone that has talked to us in the last few days have said they don't know what to say with what we have went through. There isn't words to say for this when I think about it. When I hear or know of someone who experience a loss I tell them I am sorry and will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. For something like this for myself I don't have words or know what to say.

I know with the support from our family's and friends we will make it.My wife and I found on our phones late last night some old voicemail's from my mother-in-law her mother. We sat and went through the messages she left for us with some humor that came from the messages that she left had us laughing. My mother-in-law had a way to make you laugh and I will always will remember that in her.

I wish that I would have gotten to know my son. I know Zack was only 21 weeks and I know he did get to hear my voice when I would hug my wife and kiss her and I would kneel down and kiss her stomach and say to Zack that I love him and I can't wait for him to be born so I can share him the world that his mom and I live in. I wounder what kind of personality Zack would have and what would be his interest as he would gotten older. I will never know until I one day make that trip to god's heaven and I know he will be waiting for me and I know he will open his arms up to me and hug me and say I love you dad. I'll embrace him and tell him I love him too.

For now I will try to carry on with my life that will take some time to get back into with all of this and my wife will too.

Thank you all family and friends for the support again.

Denver Everett

1 comment:

  1. You and your family are in my prayers, Denver.
