About Me

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Whats Happening As Of Late

It's been quit awhile now since I last blogged or posted on my blog. The last time I mention or posted on here it was an update on what I was working on. Well, I'm posting today to say I have finished my project that I was working on.

I know I sent out an email to some to give a taste of what I was doing with most of my time apart from updating everettshangout.com website and doing my podcast that I normally would do. However, I am pleased with some of the feedback I've gotten from everyone with my project I finished finally. Thank you for your feedback and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have in doing so.

I have a few things I would like to share that is going around in my head.

My website

Apart from my blog here,I'll be sometime at the beginning of next month reconstructing the site with some new things with new tabs and content. I have mapped out what I want the new look to look like. That will take some time but the end results will be awesome. I hope everyone will like the change when it comes to the site.

My Podcast

After 75 episodes of my doing my podcast,it's time for a change. I feel that it isn't like I envision it to be after this long. If someone would have told me it was easy then I would have done this way earlier in my life. No, a podcast takes time to prepare with editing and posting and sharing it with everyone that wants to hear something about topics or just talk about things that would have a person's interest. You have to keep it interesting and as of lately, that seems to be the case. My podcast is slowly sinking and I need to keep it a float. I normally share it on Facebook and on Twitter. I would have it on my Everett's Hangout Facebook page facebook.com/everettshangout and then share it on my personal page for friends and family. That is not working out.

From now on, links to my podcast will just be on my Everett's Hangout Facebook page because, some of my family and friends on my personal page don't give me any feedback from it. Some of you that do take the time and click on the link to it I thank you, you know who you are.Thanks for the support.

This is a long process to get out and I take the time to do this because I love doing podcasting. I've been doing this solo for quit some time and one of the changes I'll be making is finding a co-host. I need someone to bounce back and fourth some good conversations with and not just me doing this by myself. I'm going to change it up a bit and make my podcast a little bit more edger and remove some of the filter with a little bit none filter. I have some new ideals that I'm throwing around in my head that I want to try and see if that will work or not. You don't know unless you try it.

In the next few weeks I hope to bring something new and you'll just have to wait and see. As for the time I'm taking a break and will not be recording new podcast until I get back from my short vacation to New York. Look for the new Podcast and new look and sound in September,I know you won't be disappointed.

My Blog

I'll be posting some more to this blog with updates or what I've been doing as of late with what revolves around my world. I would like to post at least two or three times a week on here to bring you all to this blog. Or, I'll just post when I feel like it like I am now,lol. No I'm going to work on it here and hope you will take the time to read what I type each week. No matter what it is you will read and share what I blog about.

I want to thank you all for your time today and hope everyone has a good weekend.


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